Kualitas Layanan Fintech Dompet Digital Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Kano Selama Covid 19 Tahun 2022 (Studi Kasus pada Fintech Dompet Digital Shopee Pay dan Gopay di Kota Bandung (doi:10.34820/FK2/7MNH8J)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Part 4: Variable Description
Entire Codebook

Document Description



Kualitas Layanan Fintech Dompet Digital Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Kano Selama Covid 19 Tahun 2022 (Studi Kasus pada Fintech Dompet Digital Shopee Pay dan Gopay di Kota Bandung

Identification Number:



Telkom University Dataverse

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Trianasari, Nurvita, 2023, "Kualitas Layanan Fintech Dompet Digital Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Kano Selama Covid 19 Tahun 2022 (Studi Kasus pada Fintech Dompet Digital Shopee Pay dan Gopay di Kota Bandung", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/7MNH8J, Telkom University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:buAdpAp3JINOgm7U3LJEDw== [fileUNF]

Study Description



Kualitas Layanan Fintech Dompet Digital Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Kano Selama Covid 19 Tahun 2022 (Studi Kasus pada Fintech Dompet Digital Shopee Pay dan Gopay di Kota Bandung

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Trianasari, Nurvita (telkom university)


Telkom University Dataverse

Access Authority:

Trianasari, Nurvita


Trianasari, Nurvita

Date of Deposit:


Study Scope


Business and Management


The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is part of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that has hit the entire country, so Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) have been put in place to stop the spread of this virus. Due to conditions that require people to stay at home, all community activities are turning digital, this change follows due to various limitations faced by the community, one of which is the way transactions must adapt to this situation, so that changes in behavior in the way transactions in this community occur become digital using a digital wallet that is most widely used by the public. Even though the PPKM is no longer enforced, there is still continuity in the use of digital wallets as a way to make transactions. With the current increase in payment transactions, there have been many collaborations and innovations developed by this digital wallet financial technology company to compete due to the increasing opportunities for the digital wallet market in Indonesia. Customers have a perception that the use of digital payments is an important factor that must be considered, such as ease of use, convenience, data security, trust, affordability, cashback and discounts, even the absence of fees when making transactions will have a major impact on customer perceptions in assessing a wallet. digital. Customer satisfaction after the transaction has occurred on the performance of the platform offering compared to the expectations that the customer has. In improving the service quality, digital wallet companies are required to understand what customers want and need, as well as increase the company's competitiveness. And the purpose of this research is to get an overview of the service quality of the ShopeePay and GoPay digital wallets, to find out the description of customer satisfaction when using the ShopeePay and GoPay digital wallets, and to find out what service features need to be improved and enhanced by the ShopeePay and GoPay digital wallets. By using the Kano Model in identifying what customer needs are through measuring customer satisfaction based on needs and desires by analyzing the platform service quality features, and then describing it through customer satisfaction mapping. Keywords: Digital Transactions, Digital Payments, Digital Wallets, ShopeePay, GoPay, Kano Model, COVID-19 Endemic

Date of Collection:


Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access


CC0 Waiver

Other Study Description Materials

File Description--f10345

File: DATA VITA_Cliff.tab

  • Number of cases: 205

  • No. of variables per record: 36

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



Variable Description

List of Variables:

  • A - A
  • B - B
  • ProgressKuesioner - ProgressKuesioner
  • D - D
  • E - E
  • F - F
  • G - G
  • H - H
  • I - I
  • J - J
  • K - K
  • L - L
  • M - M
  • N - N
  • O - O
  • P - P
  • Q - Q
  • R - R
  • S - S
  • T - T
  • U - U
  • V - V
  • W - W
  • X - X
  • Y - Y
  • Z - Z
  • AA - AA
  • AB - AB
  • AC - AC
  • AD - AD
  • AE - AE
  • AF - AF
  • AG - AG
  • AH - AH
  • AI - AI
  • AJ - AJ



f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jXfoO1CoHEQqzWTPWlfuMA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jXfoO1CoHEQqzWTPWlfuMA==


f10345 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uX+IWr0t2dvRSkiT1aODqQ==


f10345 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9pGHJ3B50PwsmbK2yMYuvA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Min. 2.0; Mean 4.53960396039604; Valid 202.0; StDev 0.6917537317982996

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gtUTVtDlM2Hu4mlrpVB4IQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; Max. 5.0; StDev 0.6832994821859217; Min. 2.0; Mean 4.212871287128712;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UB/LCEch8TPas3PFkv1ebw==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 4.594059405940594; Max. 5.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 202.0; StDev 0.8247202790897863

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Hptcgufb9ZyF6PNgipSEw==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8721678817464283; Valid 202.0; Mean 3.5891089108910896

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5+uxrjJBiFKMQFB0ITiyfA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.5603344367877048; Max. 6.0; Mean 3.663366336633663; Valid 202.0; Min. 2.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:r8E6H1FOA5dzeOoY29/4Ow==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 202.0; StDev 1.0280533785151416; Mean 3.6732673267326734; Max. 7.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:OEDrqrP3Sd23t2FDOk3EHA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 4.178217821782178; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.790440894715736; Max. 8.0; Valid 202.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:EFVqoUMxgjS9mzBu83iXzw==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.9387030890986133; Max. 9.0; Mean 3.7574257425742577; Valid 202.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:sDXEF3R7kD3cWXuXa5rrYA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.7723007515309257; Mean 3.925742574257426; Valid 202.0; Max. 10.0;

Variable Format: numeric



f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8710941309503282; Valid 202.0; Max. 11.0; Mean 4.5990099009901

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GSO4Z+OG1CNhx1v3lRX9Zg==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.823539811898721; Valid 202.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 12.0; Mean 4.529702970297029;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RTZFc9lhrT9qBbakZND5dg==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 4.653465346534654; Max. 13.0; StDev 0.7909392812058093; Valid 202.0; Min. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7pwnS4j7/dqf6Yt1q8JCzQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; StDev 0.8433830743487947; Mean 4.693069306930694; Max. 14.0; Min. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric



f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 3.0; Valid 202.0; StDev 0.9312746899547609; Mean 4.529702970297029; Max. 15.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1jag7WYTOn926m+v2NJJ/w==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; StDev 1.042434941547552; Mean 4.480198019801979; Min. 1.0; Max. 16.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:PFMjBcngTA8enkH79w/lrQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jXfoO1CoHEQqzWTPWlfuMA==


f10345 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TDZmO84IXP/1v3y/dSKQ7w==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.606355190798273; Max. 5.0; Mean 1.5544554455445543;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5tmvWMV8UdnOhYhSdW4RqQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 202.0; Mean 1.7326732673267324; StDev 0.8797454302625738; Max. 5.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:NEU9EtqYSMYxFR1hI7k0wQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 1.846534653465346; StDev 0.9931170444450604; Valid 202.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:88ut7qOJE5uGVxcw2jErTA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6542800321535525; Max. 5.0; Mean 2.3514851485148522; Valid 202.0; Min. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:T8s1sC84os+lj+hASQp5pQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8685315633289876; Valid 202.0; Mean 2.247524752475248; Max. 6.0; Min. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:OXusUhynBZ3HjrHdrXFdvA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 7.0; Valid 202.0; StDev 1.052358190304728; Mean 1.9554455445544556; Min. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:bl7j52sGfdg9CZbMyCtayg==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 8.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.153465346534654; StDev 1.084129231381318; Valid 202.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:t9q5xq5R9oDchlh0FlKyGg==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.8811881188118815; Valid 202.0; Max. 9.0; StDev 1.148541179086382; Min. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:n4R5uIcjpywCAq+gP17OdQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 1.777227722772277; Max. 10.0; StDev 1.0196459426594375

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:IjM70orSawiSFIhp3BJAdw==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 202.0; Mean 1.6930693069306932; StDev 0.9696137021984859; Max. 11.0; Min. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:URRaIR7yVj8SOyj1UksOGA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.3960396039603957; StDev 1.0277658513445016; Valid 202.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 12.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MxqwGXKtJk9iMX22oHRLsA==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.5445544554455446; Max. 13.0; StDev 1.079199560345396; Min. 1.0; Valid 202.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HGOWDqQIcPvMvBMxgAgDVw==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 1.6782178217821782; Valid 202.0; Max. 14.0; StDev 1.1154370413042798;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:egT1AW1yc2CZaBtTH+5+vQ==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.3613861386138613; Valid 202.0; Max. 15.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1076819322759044

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yfVu+jsoj1NcrLHf6Cvu7A==


f10345 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.5643564356435646; Max. 16.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 202.0; StDev 1.200462942079693

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fVMa2zho+ePz7dJ4K1vLPg==