The Communication Flow in the Protection of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM) (doi:10.34820/FK2/RPJZGM)


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Part 2: Study Description
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Document Description



The Communication Flow in the Protection of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM)

Identification Number:



Telkom University Dataverse

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

FAIDOL JUDDI, MOH, 2022, "The Communication Flow in the Protection of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM)",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1

Study Description



The Communication Flow in the Protection of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM)

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

FAIDOL JUDDI, MOH (Universitas Telkom)


Telkom University Dataverse

Access Authority:




Date of Deposit:


Study Scope


Arts and Humanities, Business and Management, Social Sciences, Other


The purpose of this study aimed to explain the flow of communication in Indonesian female migrant workers’ protection by the government through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM). The method used in this study was qualitative with a case study approach. The existence of Indonesian female migrant workers has contributed to state revenues of up to US$ 10.97 billion in 2018. This income is higher than the state income of the mining sector. The amount of income provided by female migrant workers to the country is not proportional to the protection services they receive. Most female migrant workers and families preferred to keep the case they face and would report it when it becomes a crisis. Some claims faced by female migrant workers conflict with a employer because of unpaid salaries and inappropriate work. It happens because female migrant workers and families do not know the flow of the case reporting scheme. The pathway for protecting female migrant workers involves a variety of government agencies and private companies. Each institution has its protection program, such as the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian migrant workers (BNP2TKI), the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Indonesian Migrant Workers Distribution Company, without explicit coordination between each institution. One of the aspects of protection strategies through the BNP2TKI is to create the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM) as a bridge in providing protection services directly to female migrant workers and families. The program is run bottom-up by involving Ex-migrant workers as the driving force (CO); one of them is like in the Cirebon district. Government communication with female migrant workers and families through Cirebon KKBM is carried out in a multi-step flow communication by combining direct communication and media. The KKBM communicated directly to female migrant workers (candidates) and families to socialize programs supported by pamphlets regarding job vacancy, people's business credit submission procedures, information about the BP2TKI's regulation, and other supporting information. The results of the assistance are then reported by the provincial government (BP3TKI) via telephone or WhatsApp Group and required meetings. Unfortunately, the KKBM socialization process was hampered by the busy activities of the KKBM activists and the government, which focused on the success of this program on the KKBM's CO with a minimal budget and supporting facilities

Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access


CC0 Waiver

Other Study Description Materials

Other Study-Related Materials


Communication Flow in the Protection of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers through the Migrant Worker Family Community (KKBM).pdf

