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1 to 10 of 14 Results
Oct 5, 2023 - Nopendri Dataverse
NPD, Nopendri, 2023, "Koset 3-Siklitomik",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
This dataset is used in the paper entitled "Cyclic Codes from a Sequence over Finite Fields". Download full paper at
Oct 5, 2023 - Nurvita Trianasari Dataverse
Trianasari, Nurvita, 2023, "4. Nurvita Trianasari, I Made Sumertajaya, Erfiani, I Wayan Mangku, Bivariate Beta Mixture Model with Correlations, sudah di publish pada Journal Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN) (Q3 Scopus), Vol.2021, ID 26, tahun 2021.",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
The method of clustering is a probabilistic model based on clustering technique. The clustering method is often based on the assumption that data comes from a mixed model. One such mixture model is the beta mixed model. This mixed model can be used for the case of one variable or...
Nurvita Trianasari Dataverse(telkom university)
Mar 31, 2023
Jul 25, 2022 - Mia Miskiatul Atiroh Dataverse
Atiroh, Mia Miskiatul; Lubis, Muharman, 2022, "DATA MAHASISWA UNTUK PEMILIHAN KONSENTRASI PRODI INFORMATIKA",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
Pemilihan konsentrasi pada prodi informatika dengan dataset 248 data mahasiswa yang di bagi menjadi 100 data training dan 148 data testing
Mia Miskiatul Atiroh Dataverse(Universitas Telkom)
Jul 25, 2022
Nopendri Dataverse(Telkom University - Fakultas Rekayasa Industri - Cybernetics)
Apr 12, 2022
Apr 11, 2022 - RER SPH Dataverse
Septiawan, Reza Rendian, 2022, "Replication Data for: Control System for 3D SPH Simulation for Surfing Problem",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
Data hasil simulasi untuk problema peselancar menggunakan metode SPH untuk melihat pengaruh parameter pada sistem kontrol terhadap kestabilan simulasi.
Apr 11, 2022 - RER SPH Dataverse
Septiawan, Reza Rendian, 2022, "Replication Data for: 3D SPH Simulation for Surfing Problem With No Control",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
Data parameter fisis terkait simulasi SPH pada problema papan selancar saat tidak diberikan sistem kontrol sama sekali pada sistem.
RER SPH Dataverse(Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Rekayasa Komputer)
Apr 11, 2022
This is a dataverse for some RER's research projects regarding with SPH.
Apr 6, 2022 - PUTU HARRY GUNAWAN Dataverse
Gunawan, Putu Harry; Alhafidh, Tb Dzulfiqar; Wahyudi, Bambang Ari, 2022, "IMDb Reviews Dataset of Spider-Man: No Way Home Film",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:tpmOeXAkyAxnhmoimb0WPw== [fileUNF]
This dataset is used in the paper entitled "The Sentiment Analysis of Spider-Man: No Way Home Film Based on IMDb Reviews". Download full paper at
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