191 to 200 of 701 Results
Oct 2, 2023
Abdullah; Nama Lengkap tanpa gelar, 2023, "The Role of Religious Institutions in The Social Value Creation in Indonesia", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/MHO22Q, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
mendeskripsikan peran lembaga keagamaan khususnya Lembaga Amil Zakat di Indonesia termasuk di dalamnya BAZNAS RI dalam melakukan Penciptaan Nilai Sosial sehingga tampak peningkatan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan mustahik (penerima manfaat zakat infak dan sodaqoh). |
Oct 2, 2023
Pasaribu, Rina Djunita; Batubara, Thifani Adella; Sugiharto, Zharfan Inzaghi, 2023, "Encouraging Value Innovation by Adopting the Blue Ocean Strategy in a Batak Karo Fabric Business", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/NRT37F, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
The tradition of Batak Karo fabric production has been undertaken for a long time, with many businesses in existence for multiple generations, as is the case with the trade business UD Batik Bintang HS (BBHS). Competition in this trade is extremely intense, with many companies de... |
Oct 2, 2023 - Farah Alfanur Dataverse
Alfanur, Farah, 2023, "The effects of gender and age on factors that influence purchase intentions and behaviours of e-commerce consumers in Indonesia", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/NWK2HV, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
This study aims to provide new learning from consumer behaviour viewpoints by understanding the effects of gender and age on consumer purchase intentions and purchase behaviours, specifically in the context of e-commerce in Indonesia, by developing a hypothetical structural model... |
Oct 2, 2023
Fendi Irfan Amorokhman; Ade Romadhony; Aditya Firman Ihsan, 2023, "Dataset Penelitian TA Sistem Penerjemah Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Kaili", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/X9HPU4, Telkom University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:T+M6SmuTpcb1Z8QlWlVCRw== [fileUNF]
Dataset ini merupakan kumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian Tugas Akhir (TA) mengenai Sistem Penerjemah Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Kaili. Dataset ini mencakup berbagai field, termasuk kalimat-kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Kaili. Data ini telah diperoleh dan di... |
Oct 2, 2023 - Mikogizka Satria Kartika Dataverse
Kartika, Mikogizka Satria, 2023, "Drawing App for Kids Image Dataset", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/4SCLCO, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
This dataset was used to train and build a model that used to build the Drawing Apps For Kids web app. This dataset was compiled as two-dimensional graphics of the numbers 0 to 9 that were manually written using the Paint program. Each data class's 200 images have a varied resolu... |
Oct 2, 2023 - Dedy Rahman Wijaya Dataverse
Wijaya, Dedy Rahman; Wijaya, Dedy Rahman, 2023, "Dataset for non-infused aroma-based quality identification of Gambung green tea using electronic nose", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/NNAL9K, Telkom University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:HIrxUS/O2lfpkjEvq/3zgA== [fileUNF]
This experiment focuses on the analysis of green tea aroma using a set of gas sensors. Specifically, the gas sensors selected for this research are the TGS822, TGS2602, TGS2620, MQ138, MQ5, and MQ3. The experiment involved testing a total of 78 different tea samples (chops), with... |
Oct 2, 2023
Hilda Nuraliza; Muharman Lubis, 2023, "Sentiment tweet of G20's Performance", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/HRLPIR, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
this dataset containing sentiment tweet about G20 performance in Indonesia |
Oct 2, 2023
Hilda Nuraliza; Muharman Lubis, 2023, "Metaverse Tweet", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/MAD4PH, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
this dataset containing sentiment tweet about metaverse |
Oct 2, 2023
Muhammad Ilham Alhari; Muharman Lubis, 2023, "Verifikasi hasil pengukuran Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM) Tahun 2022 Kecamatan Mondokan, Kabupaten Sragen", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/2CMHUE, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
Verifikasi hasil pengukuran Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM) Tahun 2022 sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Pengukuran status perkembangan desa IDM Tahun 2022, Kecamatan Mondokan, Kabupaten Sragen |
Oct 2, 2023 - Muhammad ilham alhari Dataverse
ilham alhari, Muhammad; Muharman Lubis, 2023, "Data Prevalensi Balita Stunting Kecamatan Mondokan, Kabupaten Sragen", https://doi.org/10.34820/FK2/ZGJCIJ, Telkom University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:AzHJ76jj4o/6Zs8udqANAw== [fileUNF]
Data Pengukuran Prevalensi Balita Stunting Kecamatan Mondokan, Kabupaten Sragen |