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SITA DELIYANA Dataverse (Fakultas Komunikasi Bisnis_KK Business, Innovation, Development)
vaccines hesitancy.pdf

This file is part of "Investigation on the Vaccine Hesitancy : Identifying the Perceived Risks Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination among Generation Z in Indonesia".

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DELIYANA , SITA, 2022, "vaccines hesitancy.pdf", Investigation on the Vaccine Hesitancy : Identifying the Perceived Risks Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination among Generation Z in Indonesia,, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
Dataset Citation
DELIYANA , SITA, 2022, "Investigation on the Vaccine Hesitancy : Identifying the Perceived Risks Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination among Generation Z in Indonesia",, Telkom University Dataverse, V1
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Background - Researchers struggle to find the antidote for COVID-19 that later on came in the form of vaccines against COVID19 and considered as the new hope in the battle against the COVID19. However, the reality is not exactly worked as the earlier plan, especially with numerous people feeling disbelief toward the vaccine's efficacy thus refused to be vaccinated. Between X, Y, and Z generations in Indonesia, the highest refusal rate against the COVID19 vaccines stands for generation Z and thus serves as a challenge and a threat that must be observed in the form of research. Purpose - Thus, this study aimed to answer the challenge and explore the issues to determine perceived barriers that may affect vaccination decision-making among generations Z. Design/methodology/approach - A cross-sectional study was carried out among Generation Z in Indonesia, more specifically focused on the capital of West Java Province, Bandung City. Data collection was done via an online questionnaire from June 2021 until July 2021 from 350 respondents. Quantitative data was collected and further analyzed using descriptive analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) analysis. Findings - The study found evidence of ten (10) perceived barriers that may affect the decision-making process related to the vaccination process for Generation Z in Indonesia, specifically in West Java Province. In this study we found evidences of fear of any potential adverse effect and insufficient trust in the vaccine providers as the most dominant barrier(s) that influences public hesitancy to get vaccinated. Research limitations - The study limits the exploration to the issues related to the perceived barriers that may induce COVID-19 vaccines hesitancy of Generation Z in Indonesia. Originality/value - This study fills the gap from previous research where no study explores perceived barriers against COVID19 vaccinations for Generation Z in Indonesia. Previous studies found in the literature majority focused on the differences across generations; however, none specifically focused on Generation Z, especially within the Indonesian context.
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